Blog Archives

The ABC Award


I woke up this morning to find another nomination for me from Looking for reasons to a complicated world @ I know I need to do more acceptances and am very tempted to just do a combination of acceptance for the huge pile I have stacked up. I don’t mean to sound ungrateful because I am honoured to be thought of so highly I just get super distracted with other things. Isn’t that always the way though?

I thought I might just surprised the hell out of Mr Shauny G and get this sucker done pronto! HA HA! I will reveal the rules to you now:

The rules of this award are:

  1. Add the ABC logo to your blog. (You can find the logo above, I just copied and pasted it from my nomination.)
  2. ABC about yourself using one word or phrase.
  3. Nominate however many blogs you wish.
  4. Let the recipient know via a link in their comments.

My list about myself from A – Z

A. Adventurous

B. Brilliant

C. Crazy

D. Demented

E. Eloquent at times

F. Fun

G. Gritty

H. Honest

I. Irreplaceable

J. Joyful

K. Kind

L. Loving

M. Mighty

N. Nerdy

O. Optimistic

P. Perky personality

Q. Quaint

R. Reserved

S. Sneaky when I want to be

T. Tenacious

U. Understanding

V. Vivacious

W. Wacky

X. xenomania ( A mania for, or an inordinate attachment to, foreign customs, institutions, manners, fashions, etc.)

Y. Youthful in spirit

Z. Zany

And the nominations now go to:

I know I could list heaps but I am opting to do 3. We all have busy lives. I think these 3 will pass the joy around!

Charlotte, I love your spirit! Rachie, I love your craftiness! Meg, I love your spunkiness! Keep up the great work! I hope you like the award! I thought it was pretty fun to do!

Word Press Family Award


Brand new award from Shaun @  “I am part of the WordPress Family Award”

This is an award for everyone who is part of the “Word Press Family” I start this award on the basis that the WordPress family has taken me in, and showed me love and a caring side only WordPress can. The way people take a second to be nice, to answer a question and not make things a competition amazes me here. I know I have been given many awards, but I wanted to leave my own legacy on here by creating my own award, as many have done before. This represents “Family” we never meet, but are there for us as family. It is my honour to start this award


1. Display the award logo on your blog.

2. Link back to the person who nominated you.

3. Nominate 10 others you see as having an impact on your WordPress experience and family

4. Let your 10 Family members know you have awarded them

5. That is it. Just please pick 10 people that have taken you as  a friend, and spread the love

Firstly, I want to express my deep gratitude for Shaun who has created this lovely award. He has a lot of heart which isn’t a bad thing. If there were more people like him in the world, it’d be heaven on Earth. He has been an answer to a prayer for me which I didn’t even realize I wanted so much in my life. If you haven’t read but you like what I write, please take a look at Shaun.

Now for the list of 10 people whom I see as having impacted my WordPress experience and family

1. I want to say because he is the very first person that I reached out to and actually took the friendship I wanted to offer. I know he is the creator of this award but to me he is like my best friend here who encourages me and helps me.  I am not sure if that will work but if not, I would have to say Eyes Wide Open because I really identify with her outlook. I love how she is so bold in expressing her love of God.

2. I know she’s very new to blogging but I really think of her as my little sister or a daughter I was never blessed with. I want to encourage her. I love her outlook.

3. Rachie’s Adventures I just discovered her and am so glad I did. I love her. She comments and interacts with me! How refreshing! Sometimes I blog and don’t get a reaction but Rachie is just phenomenal!

4. My World In Prose OH I really love this lady too! Absolutely love the way she writes. I swear if I could, I would call her or email her every day. I think of her as a soul sister.

5. Ineffable Mr Jones His prose can be very good. I know I don’t speak to him very often but I read his poems. Sometimes he really hits the nail right on the head.

6. Not disabled, Abled differently I have just discovered him but am glad he decided to join the Word Press family. I look forward to watching him evolve!

7. My World My Blog My Life I have just discovered her and her son. Her son takes the most amazing photos. I love Debbie’s outlook.

8. She is like the second person I followed and even though she may not realize it. I respect her a lot.

9. Cricket Pages I love how she loves her dogs. She’s a kindred spirit with me for her love of her pets!

10. From the fog Dave Walker is a great guy whom I am getting to know.

Thank you all for sharing and becoming involved with Word Press. I really love what you write as well as share with us!

The Thank You Award



A huge big thank you to prayingforoneday  @  for this award. He keeps putting me up for awards and sometimes I will accept while other times I think why me? I don’t think I am that exceptional a blogger. I certainly don’t blog every day but I appreciate him nominating me for this very wonderful award. I value his opinion and honesty.


1. As usual a big thank you and a link back to the person who nominated you.

2. Mention 5 things you would like to do with your life, no matter how mad or tame.

3. Nominate six bloggers and say why they have left their mark on you. Hence the name “The Thank You Award”

4. let them know.


Five things I would like to do with my life, no matter how mad or tame

1.  I would like to start an Atrium where children can come and feel God’s presence in their lives.

2. I would love to meet Sting. I think he’s a marvelous performer/songwriter/musician. I had a crush on him since I first heard “Roxanne” but I know it would never really work out the way I thought it would back then.

3. Travel around Australia with Adam because that’s on his to do list. We still need to visit Tasmania, South Australia, Northern Territory. Those are the only places we haven’t been to yet.

4. I would like to end bigotry and prejudice but the only way I can do that is by not spreading it around myself.

5. Create a device where you can teleport to see loved ones instanteously instead of flying for hours on end.

I now Nominate 6 bloggers who I say “Thank you” to, as the award is to say thank you. And I will give reasons, not all are for particular blogs, just “Thank You”

1. The Heart of Rev. Eddie Tatro @  –   A man who has shown compassion and courage doing a blog daily during Lent. You do the J man proud!

2.  From the Fog  @ –   A person whom Shaun refered me to but his love of life shines through his writing.

3. My World In Prose @ I think she followed me first or liked something I blogged but I really love her style of writing! I would like to think if we met in real life we’d be good friends. I certainly admire her use of prose!

4. Firsttimefreedom @ She’s even newer to blogging than me but boy, oh boy, does she know how to express herself. I just want to hug her after I read her stuff.

5.Charliespicsandme @ He does some wonderful pictures and I love the stories behind them.

6. Megan @ I love the way that she expresses herself. She loves to share and I want to give her a big “thank you” for deciding to share with wordpress.

I am thanking these 6 personally for sharing what you share with Word Press. I am glad I found you! Great big hugs! Prayingforoneday, I love you like a bro! Thanks for the nomination!

To everyone at Word Press thank you for sharing with every one. I think in your own way, you are helping to make a difference or cast light on subjects with another view which are greatly needed. Thanks for stopping by and reading and sharing!