Category Archives: Award

Second Anniversary!

Wow! I just happened to go onto my blog today and discovered it’s my second anniversary! Last year I didn’t write as much. There has been much going on for me emotionally. I have made huge messes but over all, I am pretty content again. I have learned a lot about myself in the silence of not blogging. Editing thoughts and trying to decide what is truly worthy of sharing with the whole internet has been my undoing in some ways but I do think there are somethings that are better left to only certain people. This is a learning process for me and I am sure many other people who choose to blog.

I was going to do a blog about Peach Bundaberg soda and Peach Nehi because of course one is Australian and the other is American. What better to do a blog on by a yaussiechick? I couldn’t think of anything else because most people who are fans of MASH know that Radar O’Reilly, loved Grape Nehi. He couldn’t get enough of it. I use to be that way until I had tried a Peach Nehi. I always loved peaches and to have it as a soda was my idea of heaven in a bottle. In Australia, it’s not so easy to get your hands on a Nehi but it is just as nice to grab a soda by Bundaberg. Bundaberg brews some fine rum but they also make terrific soda. I am always discovering new combinations. I tried the Peach Bundaberg soda. I thought it was heaven in a bottle. They do many fine flavours such as Passionfruit, Pineapple and Coconut, Lime but I must say I do love the peach one.

If you are traveling in Australia and are wanting something peachy to drink, I suggest a Peach Bundaburg soda and if you are traveling in the USA and desire something peachy, grab a Nehi Peach if you can find it. This flavor is limited but so worth the having if you are lucky enough to put your hands on it.

Here’s a link to the American Nehi:

The link to Peachee Bundaberg:

The ABC Award


I woke up this morning to find another nomination for me from Looking for reasons to a complicated world @ I know I need to do more acceptances and am very tempted to just do a combination of acceptance for the huge pile I have stacked up. I don’t mean to sound ungrateful because I am honoured to be thought of so highly I just get super distracted with other things. Isn’t that always the way though?

I thought I might just surprised the hell out of Mr Shauny G and get this sucker done pronto! HA HA! I will reveal the rules to you now:

The rules of this award are:

  1. Add the ABC logo to your blog. (You can find the logo above, I just copied and pasted it from my nomination.)
  2. ABC about yourself using one word or phrase.
  3. Nominate however many blogs you wish.
  4. Let the recipient know via a link in their comments.

My list about myself from A – Z

A. Adventurous

B. Brilliant

C. Crazy

D. Demented

E. Eloquent at times

F. Fun

G. Gritty

H. Honest

I. Irreplaceable

J. Joyful

K. Kind

L. Loving

M. Mighty

N. Nerdy

O. Optimistic

P. Perky personality

Q. Quaint

R. Reserved

S. Sneaky when I want to be

T. Tenacious

U. Understanding

V. Vivacious

W. Wacky

X. xenomania ( A mania for, or an inordinate attachment to, foreign customs, institutions, manners, fashions, etc.)

Y. Youthful in spirit

Z. Zany

And the nominations now go to:

I know I could list heaps but I am opting to do 3. We all have busy lives. I think these 3 will pass the joy around!

Charlotte, I love your spirit! Rachie, I love your craftiness! Meg, I love your spunkiness! Keep up the great work! I hope you like the award! I thought it was pretty fun to do!